The LICE-2024 workshops are international forum for both researchers and industry practitioners to exchange the latest fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice, Pedagogy, Arts, History, Open Learning, Distance Education, Math and Science Education, ICT, Language Learning, Education (Early Year, Secondary, Post-Secondary and Higher), E-Learning, and identify emerging research topics. The workshops offer a good opportunity for young researchers to present their work and to obtain feedback from an interested community. All the accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings.
If you are interested in organising workshops for the LICE-2024, please email your proposal to the by the 15th of September, 2024. Your workshop proposals will be reviewed by the Steering Committees. After acceptance of the workshop proposal, it is the responsibility of the Workshop Organiser(s) / Workshop Chair(s) to review all submitted papers to his/her workshop. The duration of each Workshop is 1 hour 20 minutes.
Accepted Workshops
Workshop 1
Title: REimagining Literacy and Accelerating through Arts Integration (REALAI): How Authentic Arts Integration and Literacy Support Student Success
Scope: ArtsNOW will share specific examples of how arts integration has supported school improvement efforts in literacy. Participants will leave with greater knowledge of how to strategically align professional learning opportunities with local school and system-wide priorities. Also, they will have a better understanding about how to effectively facilitate K-12 collaborative planning of school reform with the arts. The session will include the sharing of multiple engaging, hands-on strategies and approaches to unify and advance arts in education.
Pam Walker, ArtsNOW, Inc., USA
Crystal Collins, ArtsNOW, Inc., USA