Notification and Preliminary Call for Papers
Abstracts, Extended Abstracts, Research Papers, Student Papers, Case Studies, Reports, Workshops and Poster/Demo Proposals
LICE-2025 main theme is Global Issues in Education and Research.
The LICE-2025 invites research papers that encompass conceptual analysis, design implementation and performance evaluation. All papers submitted for possible presentation at LICE and for publication in the proceedings are subjected to a double-blind, peer review process. The topics in LICE-2025 include but are not confined to the following areas:
Adolescent Education
- Adolescent Development
- Adolescence Education Programmes
- Adolescent Health
- Adolescent Mental Health
- Adolescent Psychology
- Parent-Adolescent Communication
Adult Education
- Competitive Skills
- Continuing Education
- Adult education and Higher Education
- Vocational Education
- Transferring Disciplines
Art and Humanities
- Music Education
- Aesthetics
- Art Education
- Arts Policy, Management and Advocacy
- Arts Theory and Criticism
- Communication
- Consciousness
- Cyberspace
- Design
- Ethics
- Film Studies
- Literary Arts Practices
- Media Arts Practices: Television, Multimedia, Digital, Online and Other New Media
- Language
- Linguistics
- Knowledge
- History
- Historiography
- Literature/Literary Studies
- Globalisation
- Ethnicity, Difference, Identity
- Imaginative Education
- Immigration
- First Nations and Indigenous Peoples
- Music Education
- Nation
- Performing Arts Practices: Theatre, Dance, Music
- Philosophy
- Political Science and Politics
- Race
- Refugees
- Religion
- Science, Environment and the Humanities
- Sexuality, Gender, Families
- Social, Political and Community Agendas in the Arts
- Spirituality
- Teaching and Learning
- Teaching and Learning the Arts
- Technology
- Theatre
- Visual Arts Practices
- Writing Education
Artificial Intelligence
- Biometrics
- Collaborative Learning
- Computer-assisted Instruction
- Computational Intelligence
- Cybernetics
- Data Mining
- Deep Learning
- E-learning
- Expert Systems
- Fuzzy Logic
- Interactive Learning Environments
- Intelligent Tutoring
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Neural Networks
- Neuromorphic Systems
- Personalization
- Probabilistic Reasoning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Robotics
- Semantic Networks
- Sentiment Analysis
- Supervised Learning
- Unsupervised Learning
- Assessing and Coaching
- Best Practices in Grading
- Bloom’s Taxonomy
- Classroom Assessment Techniques
- Conventional Techniques
- Creative and Innovative Approaches
- Creating and Using Rubrics
- Designing Authentic Performance Tasks
- Feedback Design Processes in the Light of Changed Circumstances
- Flexible Formats of Assessment
- Formative Assessment
- Inclusive and Integrating Social Justice
- Measuring the Impacts of COVID-19 on Assessment
- New Assessment and Feedback Practices
- Online Assessment
- Transformative Assessment
- Business Education
- Business Disciplines
- Business Ethics
- Banking and Insurance
- Business Simulation and Gaming
- Business Technology
- Comparative Economic Systems
- Diversity Management
- Development in Business Simulation
- Digital Marketing
- Economics
- E-Commerce
- Entrepreneurship
- E-procurement
- Finance
- Human Resources
- International Economics
- Managerial Economics
- Management
- Marketing
- Supply Chain Management
- Taxes
- Tourism
Computer Science
- Approximation Algorithms
- Algorithmic Coding Theory
- Algebraic Computation
- Algorithmic Graph Theory and Combinatorics
- Algorithms and Data Structures
- Blockchain
- Computational Applications of Logic
- Computational Complexity
- Computational Biology
- Computational Geometry
- Computational Learning Theory
- Computational Game Theory
- Cryptography
- Cybersecurity
- Foundations of Machine Learning
- Information Retrieval
- Optimization
- Networks
- Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
- Privacy
- Quantum Computing
- Randomness in Computing
Course Management
- Accreditation and Quality Assurance
- Academic Experiences
- Best Practice Contributions
- Copy-right
- Digital Libraries and Repositories
- Digital Rights Management
- Evaluation and Assessment
- E-content Management and Development
- Open Content
- e-Portfolios
- Grading Methods
- Knowledge Management
- Quality processes at National and International level
- Security and Data Protection
- Student Selection Criteria in Interdisciplinary Studies
- User-Generated Content
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Accessibility
- Assessment Procedures
- Alternative Educational Delivery Methods
- Continuity Planning
- COVID-19 Education
- Impacts of COVID-19 on Education
- Pandemic
- Impacts of COVID-19 on Education
- Responding to COVID-19
- Solution for Supporting Students, Faculty and Staff
- Strategies for Overcoming the Challenges
- Symptoms and Diagnosis
Curriculum, Research and Development
- Acoustics in Education Environment
- APD/Listening
- Counsellor Education
- Courses, Tutorials and Labs
- Curriculum Design
- Special Needs Education
- Inclusive Education and Practices
- Social and Cultural Inclusion
- Mental Health
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cloud Security
- Data Protection
- Encryption
- Cyber Security in Education
- Cyber Terrorism
- Fake News
- Hackivism
- Incident Response
- Insider Threat
- Internet of Things
- Machine Learning
- Mobile Security
- Network Security
- Phishing
- Security of Big Data
- Social Engineering
- Threat Intelligence
- Women in Security
Educational Research
- Descriptive Educational Research
- Correlational Educational Research
- Educational Research Methodologies
- Educational Research Methods
- Experimental Educational Research
- Importance of Educational Research
Educational Foundations
- Early Childhood Education
- Elementary Education
- Geographical Education
- Health Education
- Home Education
- Rural Education
- Science Education
- Secondary Education
- Second life Educators
- Social Studies Education
- Special Education
Education Policy and Leadership
- Educational Administration
- Human Resource Development
- Academic Advising and Counselling
- Education Policy and Leadership
- Industrial Cooperation
- Life-long Learning Experiences
- Workplace Learning and Collaborative Learning
- Work Employability
- Educational Institution Government Partnership
- Patent Registration and Technology Transfer
- University Spin-Off Companies
- Adaptability
- Assessment in E-Learning
- Authoring Tools
- Content Development
- Copyright
- Design and Development of Online Courses
- Gamification of Learning
- Effective Learning Strategies
- E-Learning Software Architecture
- E-Learning Security
- E-Portfolios
- E-Teacher Skills and Competences
- Experiential Learning
- Implementing Pedagogical Methods in E-Learning Systems
- Infrastructure of E-Learning Environments
- Learning Management Systems (LMS)
- Learning Networks
- Learning Objects
- Mobile Learning
- Mobile Learning Technology
- Motivation and E-Learning
- Online Learning Performance and Behaviour
- Personal Learning Environments
- Personalised E-Learning
- Quality Assurance in E-Learning
- Security and Data Protection
- Semantic Web
- Simulation
- Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)
Engineering Education
- Chemical Engineering Education
- Curriculum for Engineering Education
- Engineering Education Implications
- Manufacturing Engineering Education
- Software Engineering Education
Entrepreneurship Education
- Content Creator [Blogging or vlogging (YouTuber)]
- Digital Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurial Skills
- Entrepreneurial Success
- Entrepreneurial Universities
- Innovative Education
- Lifelong Learning and Skill Development
Environmental Education
- Issues in Science and Environmental Education Learning
- New Trends in Science and Environmental Learning
- Science Education Policy
- Science Learning in Everyday Life
- Sustainability Education
- Assessment in Game-based Learning
- Best Practices in Game Development
- Ethical Issues of Game-based Learning
- Game Design and Development
- Gamification in Education
- Game-based Learning
- Games and Arts
- Games and Business
- Games and Maths
- Impact of Video Game on Well-being of Society
- Learning and Adaptability Issues in a Video Game
- Motivational Aspects of Game-based Learning
- Pedagogical and Learning Theories for Game-based Learning
- Social Issues of Game-based Learning
- Technologies for Mobile and Multi-user Games for Learning
- Technologies, Tools and Platforms for Developing Game-based Learning Applications
- User Interface and User Experience in Games
Global Issues In Education and Research
- Education, Research and Globalization
- Barriers to Learning (ethnicity, age,…)
- psychosocial factors
- Women and Minorities in Science and Technology
- Indigenous and Diversity Issues
- Government Policy issues
- Organizational, Legal and Financial Aspects
- Digital Divide
- Increasing Affordability and Access to the Internet
- Ethical issues in Education
- Intellectual Property Rights and Plagiarism
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Collaborative and Cocial Computing
- Interaction and Interface Design
- Machine Learning
- Mobile Computing
- Social Psychology and Recommender Systems
- Ubiquitous Computing
- Visualization
- Wearable Technologies
Health Education
- Adolescent Health
- Children’s Healthcare
- Cloud Connected Health
- E-Health
- Healthcare Management
- Kinesiology
- Men’s Healthcare
- Mental Health
- Practice of Health Promotion
- School Health
- Telemedicine and E-Health Applications
- Women’s Healthcare
- Accessibility to Disabled Users
- Analytics
- Animation, 3D and Web 3D Applications
- Assessment Software Tools
- Big Data
- Cloud Computing
- Computer-Aided Assessment
- Computer Education
- Context Dependent Learning
- Cybersecurity
- Data Mining
- Data Visualisation
- Distance Education
- E-Learning
- E-Manufacturing
- Educational Technology
- Educational Games and Software
- Human Computer Interaction
- ICT Education
- Internet Technologies
- Learning Management Systems (LMS)
- Mobile Applications and Learning (M-learning)
- Multi-Virtual Environment
- Open Educational Resources
- Standards and Interoperability
- Technology Enhanced Learning
- Technology Support for Pervasive Learning
- Ubiquitous Computing
- Videos for Learning and Educational Multimedia
- Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Virtual Learning Environments (VLE)
- Web 2.0, Social Networking, Blogs and Wikis
- Wireless Applications
Inclusive Education
- Accessible World
- Accessibility Guidelines
- Aging and Disability
- Assistive Technologies
- Augmentative and Alternative Communications (AAC)
- Assessment and Early Intervention
- Building and Sustaining an Inclusive Community
- Children’s Rights in Education
- Cognitive Disabilities
- Curriculum Adaptation and Modification
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing Developmental
- Developing Inclusive Education Systems
- Developmental Disabilities
- Disabilities and Diversity
- E-Accessibility
- Emotional and Behavioural Disorders
- Gifted Education
- Helping Students with Learning Difficulties
- Human Rights and Disability Rights
- Identifying Students or Learners with Special Needs
- Inclusive Teaching and Learning
- Legal Issues (Legislative and Policy)
- Learning Disabilities
- Living In(ter)dependently
- Mobile Accessibility
- Physical Disabilities
- Public Health, Diversity and Disability
- Special Educational Needs
- Special Education Policy
- Support Services
- Web Accessibility
Law and Justice
- Allied Research
- Correctional Services
- Cybercrime
- Data Protection
- Evidence-Based Policing
- Fraud
- Gambling
- Gun Control
- Justice Research
- Law and Order
- Legal Services
- Mental Health
- Practice and Research
- Probation
- Social Justice
- Study of Crime and Law Enforcement
- Drive and Leading Change
- Corporate Responsibility
- Crisis Leadership and Human Behaviour
- Emerging Leaders
- Innovation and Change
- Leading Change
- Leadership Style
- Learning to Lead
- Management and Leadership Skills
- Managerial Role
- Mentor
- New Ways of Working
- Operational Management
- Rewards
- Strategic Leadership
- Supporting Learners’ Understanding
- Sustainability Leadership
- Team Lead
- Transformational Leadership
- Vision, Culture and Values
Learning and Teaching Methodologies
- Assessment Software Tools
- Assessment Methods in Blended Learning Environments
- Assessment of Education
- Blended Learning
- Computer-Aided Assessment
- Development of Learning Theory
- E-Testing and New Test Theories
- Educating the Educators
- Experiential Methodologies and Techniques
- Games and Experiential Learning
- Immersive Learning
- Innovative and Effective Teaching Methods
- Metrics and Performance Measurement
- Pedagogy Enhancement with E-Learning
- Simulated Communities and Online Mentoring
- Supervising and Managing Student Projects
- Technology-Enabled Assessment
- Theory, Design and Research
- Contemplative Pedagogy
- Cross-disciplinary areas of Education
- Education Practice Trends and Issues
- Engaging Pedagogy
- Indigenous Education
- Innovative Pedagogy
- K12
- Life-long Learning Education
- Online Learning Performance and Behaviour
- Pedagogy for Development of Critical Thinking and Problem Based Skills
- Pedagogical models and strategies
- Teacher Education
Political Science
- Civil Wars Causes and Consequences
- Comparative Politics
- Conflicts In Politics
- Conflict Resolution
- Famous Political Decisions
- International Relations
- Mediation And Negotiation
- Philosophy Research Topics
- Public Administration
- Public Law Topics
- Political Psychology
- Political Theory
- Politics in Media
- Populism
- Pedagogy Enhancement with E-Learning
- Simulated Communities and Online Mentoring
- Supervising and Managing Student Projects
- Technology-Enabled Assessment
- Theory, Design and Research
Products and Services
- Assessment and Tracking Tools
- Brand Development and Content Management
- CRM Options
- Enrollment Management Software Solutions
- Marketing and Lead Generation
- New or Enhanced Revenue Opportunities
- Online Course Creation and Delivery
- Proctoring Solutions
- Research and Program Development
- Specialty Advertising, Products and Giveaways
- Student Support Services
- Abnormal Psychology
- Advanced Industrial and Commercial Psychology
- Advanced Cognitive Psychology
- Applied Social psychology
- Bullying
- Clinical Child Psychology
- Clinical Psychology
- Cognitive Psychology
- Consumer Psychology
- Counselling
- Cultural psychology
- Developmental psychology
- Education and Psychology
- Educational Psychology
- Environmental Psychology
- Experimental Psychology
- Family Psychology
- Forensic Psychology
- General Psychology
- Health Psychology
- History of psychology
- Industry and Organisational Psychology
- Legal Psychology
- Media Psychology
- Military Psychology
- Neuropsychology
- Personality and Social psychology
- Psychological and Social Harmony
- Counselling Psychology
- Religious Psychology
- School Psychology
- Sports Psychology
- Theory and Research of Psychotherapy
- Women’s Psychology
Research Management
- Research Methodologies
- Academic Research Projects
- Joint-research programmes
- Research on Technology in Education
- Research Centres
- Links between Education and Research
- New Challenges in Education
- ECTS experiences
- The Bologna Process and its implementation
- Joint-Degree Programmes
- Erasmus and Exchange experiences in universities
- Students and Teaching staff Exchange programmes
Social Media
- Advances in Social Media
- Branding and E-Marketing
- Convergence
- Organisational Knowledge Management
- Realtime Communications and Instant Messaging
- Security in Social Media
- Social Media Big Data Analysis
- Social Media Technologies
- Social Network Analysis
- Trust and privacy in Social Media
Social Science
- Anthropology
- Communication
- Criminology
- Cultural Studies
- Civic and Political Studies
- Culture Industry
- Demography
- Educational Studies
- Environmental Anthropology
- Environmental Studies
- Feminism
- Gender Studies
- Global Studies
- Humanism
- Immigration
- Mass Society
- Media Studies
- Organisational Studies
- Philosophy
- Political Economy
- Post-colonialism
- Progressive Evolution
- Religion Studies
- Sexualism
- Social and Community Studies
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Social Policy
- Television Studies
- Theology
- Women’s Studies
Science Education
- Astronomy
- Astrophysics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Cosmology
- Earth Sciences
- Informatics
- Life Sciences
- Mathematics
- Medicine
- Physics
- Business
- Carbon and Emission
- Environmental Education
- Environmental Challenges
- Green Computing
- Nano Science
- Power Plant Technologies
- Renewable Energy Management
- Sustainable Technologies
- Sustainability and Allied Research
- Sustainability and Policy
- Waste Management
- Water Management